Storm Water

Stormwater Pic
What is Stormwater?

(The following information has been provided by the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality or ODEQ.)

Stormwater is water generated from precipitation events such as rain, snow and ice melt. Stormwater can infiltrate into the soil to recharge groundwater or it can be stored on the surface to evaporate. Stormwater runoff is the water that has not infiltrated into the soil and flows downhill to surface waters such as lakes, rivers, and streams.

Stormwater that runs over impervious surfaces such as paved streets, parking lots, driveways, and rooftops do not penetrate the ground to recharge ground water. As a result, the water that flows over these surfaces collects many pollutants as they move. This stormwater runoff flows into surface bodies of waters (lakes, rivers, and streams) and causes harm to these natural water sources.

What can we do?
The City of Bethany has put into place a stormwater management program to help monitor stormwater runoff. Through public education, outreach activities, and internal control measures, we are working diligently to prevent stormwater runoff from harming our water sources and impacting our water quality. 

How can citizens help?
We can protect our water sources together. As we conduct outreach activities and provide information about stormwater, citizens can participate in these events and help spread the message. Also, citizens can refrain from dumping liquids into city drains as these drains lead to our water sources. Also, citizens can design their own rain garden and participate in our annual rain barrel events. There are plenty of ways to help us protect our water quality. If you would like to host a community project to help us in our fight against stormwater pollution, please contact Development Services at  (405) 789-6005 and ask to speak with someone about the stormwater program. We can do this together!
Rain Barrel Events
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